THERMOTECT WALLTM, high thermal insulating and resisting furnace wall,
has won the prize as “Director-General’s Prize, The Agency for Natural
Resources and Energy” of “Product Category & Business Model Category”
at Grand Prize for Excellence in Energy Efficiency and Conservation in 2015.
Because THERMOTECT WALLTM does not contain any Refractory Ceramics Fiber (RCF) customers enjoy safe environment at the time of installation and demolition work. In addition THERMOTECT WALLTM can be applied for where RCF cannot be applied due to severe physical and chemical condition.
The prized business model is an energy saving solution through the optimal furnace design utilizing THERMOTECT WALLTM, according to customers’ various operating condition.
*RCF was designated as the category 2 in Ordinance on Prevention of Hazards due to Specified Chemical Substances in Japan.
Product Feature

High-insulation Ceramics wall called THERMOTECT WALLTM, composed of multi-layered of high temperature resistant monolithic “THERMOTECTTM”, having the properties of high thermal insulation and high temperature resistance, can be used at high temperature range up to the highest temperature of 1,700°C.
THERMOTECT WALLTM and THERMOTECTTM are launched by utilizing special raw material developed by us.

*1 RCF(Refractory Ceramic Fiber) is nominated as the Category 2 Ordinance on Prevention of Hazards due to Specified Chemical Substances by Japanese Ministry of Health、Labor and Welfare.
THERMOTECT WALLTM does not contain any of RCF related materials.

*2 THERMOTECTTM products is composed of insulation monolithic refractory and board shape (High thermal insulation grade)